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PoliticsScience & Technology

Anti-social Media

Posted By inlandseas_dt0dk6

On April 29, 2020, WXYZ reported the following: I think that it is time for the federal government to seriously investigate social media platforms, particularly Facebook and Twitter and perhaps Instagram.  Their censoring of conservative voices is disconcerting.  At minimum, I believe that the indemnification against legal action they receive as being “open platforms” […]

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COVID-19 Re-Tort

Posted By inlandseas_dt0dk6

The shelter-in-place orders put into effect by the executive orders of numerous state governors has allowed for more time to view daytime TV. I am surprised to see so many commercials for law firms that encourage people to file civil law suits for a wide variety of situations.  This made me wonder if the COVID-19 […]

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Crisis Management in the Distribution Industry

Posted By inlandseas_dt0dk6

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”  This was a philosophy voiced by former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual in an Interview to the Wall Street Journal on November 19, 2008.  […]

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New York State of Mind

Posted By inlandseas_dt0dk6

New York’s governor Cuomo was back on TV today in a press conference complaining that his state was shorted in the $2.2 trillion emergency COVID-19 relief bill which was recently signed into law.  He says that his state is broke and his budget is destroyed and he wants a bailout. I am 100% behind providing […]

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COVID-19 Paradigm Shift

Posted By inlandseas_dt0dk6

A major paradigm shift is happening as we watch. Employers who were reluctant about permitting telecommuting have been forced into accepting the practice. Most will find this experience with tele-work (with a few exceptions for the technologically challenged and slackers), isn’t quite as scary as they feared. Remote supervision and management strategies will be enhanced […]

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